Trying to live a plastic free lifestyle is currently (almost) impossible. Until we get our act together we need to do SOMETHING to help. Well I think I have found a missing piece of the puzzle. Its not perfect but its part of the way forward and it defintely has many many benefits!
Possibly you have heard of this already? Its called “ecobricking”. There is so much information within their own pages that I don’t want to repeat it all so I’ll give you only a brief outline.
My wee man really enjoys cutting up the plastic and popping it inside – great for his fine motor skills too!
Take a plastic bottle and stuff it with cut up pieces of cleaned and dried unrecyclable plastic. Keep compacting all the way until the bottle feels very firm all over – no squishy bits! Once the bottle has reached a specified weight it can be used in building projects. Either your own or other local schemes which are set up as collections points. There aren’t really any collectors local to us in North Ayrshire/ Inverclyde … yet!
The amazing thing about starting to ecobrick is that it opens your eyes to so many ways of reducing plastic waste! I thought I was pretty good but in my two week journey with ecobricks I have:
- Swapped cat food pouches for tins (tins are in fact much better as its a closed environmental recycling loop!)
- Discovered Tesco recycle not only carrier bags but all non- biodegradable stretchy plastic bags (bin bags, bread bags, carrot bags)
- Discovered also that Tesco take print cartridges (and water filters)
- Realised that I can do almost a whole veg/fruit shop at Morrisons without any plastic bags.
- Have started putting used kitchen roll etc in food recycling bin
And this is only the start of my journey with Ecobricks!
Ta dah! Our very first ecobrick

Want to start Ecobricking?
If this is something you are interested in its really really easy to get started.
- Start collecting your non-recyclable plastic.
- Find a small flat-bottomed bottle to start with as this is easiest.
- Read the ecobricks website.
- Join the EcoBricks facebook UK group.
- Think about local building projects, your own, your school, your community. Lots of places where some little seats and a table would be a great addition? Meantime – just make them anyway until inspiration comes to you on how to use them! Much better than spread about landfill!
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